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An AIM Warrior Is....

A Warrior Is....


A Warrior Is

An AIM warrior has always been one who protects the people, who stands with dignity and courage in the face of danger. When lies & corruption dominate, a warrior creates new truths and leadership for the people to believe for a warrior is humble and spiritual.

An AIM warrior is the eyes and the ears of the people. They suffer for the people by taking away their pain. They are not afraid to spill their blood for their people. They are tested beyond hardship and pain. They are honored to die for their people. They love their people beyond themselves and will sacrifice their all for their people, their earth, their creator.

AIM is a movement of Indian spiritual warriors embracing the traditional cultures of our ancestors. In Riverside we are the new AIM, we are an effective well organized non profit corporation with educated warriors who are combat experienced veterans operating in the political and legal arena to fight Indian battles. Our pens are our weapons and the truth is our bullets. Understand there is no compromise when it comes to protecting our People, our Culture or Indian Sovereignty.

AIM warrior must never be afraid to sacrifice their all for the people.

A.I.M. Mission Statement

The American Indian Movement Riverside is a proactive advocacy and educational organization concerned with promoting the unity and security of Indian communities, families, and drug free youth programs. The organization is dedicated to representing the many interests and concerns of all Native American Indian people, particularly renewal of spirituality to empower Indian people with dignity regarding political, social and legal issues, including cultural traditions and inherent sovereign rights.

Make A Donation Supporting Our Positive Community Work in Indian Country.


A.I.M. Riverside Chapter

P.O. Box 135

Mountain Center, California 92561


AIM DISCLAIMER: The American Indian Movement its Chapters and Support Groups do not support, nor condone Violence or acts of Malicious behavior. Such behavior by individuals acting on their own, do not represent AIM. AIM is a spiritual movement of committed individuals who walk the red path of tolerance, peace and respecting all life as sacred.

Any questions or comments regarding actions, events, etc., involving or regarding participation of ANY American Indian Movement Group or Individual, please contact us at aim@aimriverside.org

Site Established Dec 2005

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