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of California

Two Recent News Articles (tag to read)

"American Indian Movement Creates Riverside Chapter", 29 Dec 2005, North County Times

"American Indian Movement Moves Forward", 30 Dec 2005, Indian Country Today

A.I.M. Riverside Community Youth Programs Promoting Cultural Pride, Community Safety and Unity in support of American Indian People. Action Youth Camp: American Indian youth learn the traditional way while camping out. This program provides a continuation of knowledge about the Traditional way of life, as well as, an appreciation for mother earth. Cultural Mentoring of the Youth: Youth and elders to teach youth why it is essential to include spirituality in everyday life. This will help them develop a strong base so they can choose a rewarding lifestyle and feel good about themselves. Recreation Program: Provides activities for neighborhood youth including: bowling, arts and cultural programming, trips to concerts, swimming, and more.

"That takes dedication and faith in Indian people that somehow, someday, Indians will UNITE and become the force that they should."

Vine Deloria, 1968, published article, "The Sentinel"

Brief History of A.I.M.

A.I.M. Principles and Philosophy

A.I.M. Grand Governing Council (national)

Goals For AIM Riverside

AIM Riverside Position Paper

A.I.M. Mission Statement

The American Indian Movement Riverside is a proactive advocacy and educational organization concerned with promoting the unity and security of Indian communities, families, and drug free youth programs. The organization is dedicated to representing the many interests and concerns of all Native American Indian people, particularly renewal of spirituality to empower Indian people with dignity regarding political, social and legal issues, including cultural traditions and inherent sovereign rights.

Make A Donation Supporting Our Positive Community Work in Indian Country.


A.I.M. Riverside Chapter

P.O. Box 135

Mountain Center, California 92561


AIM DISCLAIMER: The American Indian Movement its Chapters and Support Groups do not support, nor condone Violence or acts of Malicious behavior. Such behavior by individuals acting on their own, do not represent AIM. AIM is a spiritual movement of committed individuals who walk the red path of tolerance, peace and respecting all life as sacred.

Any questions or comments regarding actions, events, etc., involving or regarding participation of ANY American Indian Movement Group or Individual, please contact us at aim@aimriverside.org

Site Established Dec 2005

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