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Educational & Career, Scholarships & Grants

Indian Educational Opportunities
Listed Below

**This site has Educational Opportunities for Veterans, Indian Students, Finaincial Aid, Grants Scholarship and so much more.**

"Do not speak about what Indian people should do, speak about what we will do. Let us hear what is good and right about our people our culture."
Marty Firerider 2005
NCES has a listing or 7,000 colleges and Universities in the U.S. with direct links to each. Easy resource for browsing colleges by location, programs and more.

Mission is to give American Indian Students the tools and opportunities to learn. Scholarships & Tribal Scholarships.

Probably the most inclusive information site regarding Financial Aid. Many resources and Informative topics are available at no charge.

American Indian Science & Engineering Society promotes excellence, leadership and opportunities in education and professional development for American Indians and Alaska Natives. AISES (we) enrich the fields of science and engineering with Native traditions and strengthen communities with knowledge, resources and innovation.
Professor Tom Gamboa (Choctaw) teaches Native American cultural & gaming cources. Tom Gamboa manages the Indian Scholarship Program that can pay most if not all tutition costs.

John Marshall Law School has Tutition Paid in Full for Indian Law Students. Contact Michael Seng 312-987-1446, email 7seng@jmls.edu. or F. Willis Caruso, 312-786-9842, email 6caruso@jmls.edu. Tell them AIM San Diego referred you.

Government site for career enhancement and assistance.

This page provides descriptions of grants, scholarships, and fellowships in the math, science, and technology areas for urban and minority teachers and students. It also examines national, state, and local coalitions that encourage cooperation among educational institutions, businesses, and industry groups in order to sponsor special programs in science, math, and technology for urban and minority schools.

VETERANS, Spouses, Widows and Children Opportunties

Find millions of dollars in scholarships and grants exclusively for military community.
Take advantage of your military benefits, and connect with the programs that fit your educational goals. Search our database of over 4,000 institutions, and find your school now!
Get the college credit you deserve! Your military service has likely earned you college credit. Many schools and colleges award military students credit towards a degree based on training, coursework, and occupational specialty. You've worked hard in the military - now you can save tuition dollars and classroom time!
GI Bill Educational Benefit Programs
A.I.M. Mission Statement

The American Indian Movement Riverside is a proactive advocacy and educational organization concerned with promoting the unity and security of Indian communities, families, and drug free youth programs. The organization is dedicated to representing the many interests and concerns of all Native American Indian people, particularly renewal of spirituality to empower Indian people with dignity regarding political, social and legal issues, including cultural traditions and inherent sovereign rights.

Make A Donation Supporting Our Positive Community Work in Indian Country.


A.I.M. Riverside Chapter

P.O. Box 135

Mountain Center, California 92561


AIM DISCLAIMER: The American Indian Movement its Chapters and Support Groups do not support, nor condone Violence or acts of Malicious behavior. Such behavior by individuals acting on their own, do not represent AIM. AIM is a spiritual movement of committed individuals who walk the red path of tolerance, peace and respecting all life as sacred.

Any questions or comments regarding actions, events, etc., involving or regarding participation of ANY American Indian Movement Group or Individual, please contact us at aim@aimriverside.org

Site Established Dec 2005

COMMENTS & QUESTIONS (Tag Here) Web Site Designed by Marty Fire Rider