"Avoid the Extremes of Life & Politics
Walking the Red Path in Balance."
AIM is the political catalyst for Indian sovereignty and Unity. AIM is not republicans or democrats, nor liberal or conservative,
we are Indian with a unique spiritual culture that conflicts with the dominate American political culture.

(This Page See Below)
"Legislative Branches of Government"
"Executive Branches of Government"
"Judicial Branch of Government"
"State and Local Governments"
Legislative Branches of Government
U.S. House of Representative
U.S. Reprsentatives Committee Offices and Local Representatives Offices. "Write your Representative", See Directory,
House schedule, etc
U.S. Senate
U.S. Senators Contact Offices, Committees, Legislation and Records.
Library of Congress
Library of Congress, Reserach Center with Catalogs & Archives, Indian issues & Law Researches, etc.
Government Accountability Office
Government Accountability Office, Reports & Testmony. The agency that works for Congress and the American people. Congress
asks GAO to study the programs and expenditures of the federal government. GAO, commonly called the investigative arm of Congress
or the congressional watchdog, is independent and nonpartisan. It studies how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars.
GAO advises Congress and the heads of executive agencies about ways to make government more effective and responsive. GAO
evaluates federal programs, audits federal expenditures, and issues legal opinions. When GAO reports its findings to Congress,
it recommends actions. Its work leads to laws and acts that improve government operations, and save billions of dollars.
U.S. Archives & Records Administation
The National Archives is a public trust. They enable people to inspect the records of what government hs done. They enable
officials and agencies to review their actions and help citizens hold them accountable. They ensure continuing access to essential
evidence and documents. Recover documents; Research room, Records Management, Federal register, connects thousands of archives
and records repositories dedicated to preserving and publishing.
Government Printing Office
The GPO is the Federal government's primary centralized resource for gathering, cataloging, producing, providing 7 preserving
published information in all its forms. Centralized services to enable easily & cost effectively produce printed documents.
GPO offers these publications for sale to the public 7 made them widely available at no cost through the Federal Depository
Library Program.
Executive Branches of Government
The White House & Executive Offices
President & VP Offices, History, President's Cabinet Federal Agencies, Contact the President & VP, News & Policies,
Government Councils & Offices, i.e., Office of Budget & Management, Natioanl Security Council, etc.
First Government
Access to all Government Agencies & Resources. Benefits & Grants; Consumer Protection; Defense & Foreign Relations;
Education & Jobs; Health & Nutrition; History, Art, & Culture; Public Safety & Law; Science & Technology;
Environment, Enegry, & Agriculture; Taxes, etc.
U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division,
Special Litigation Section; is an office within the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice, charged with enforcing
federal civil rights statutes in four major areas; Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons, Conduct of Law Enforcement Agencies,
Access to Reproductive Health Clinics and places of Religious Worship, and Religious Exercise of Institutionalized Persons.
The Section undertakes investigations and litigation through the United States and its territories. Also to file a Complaint.
Judicial Branch of Government
Federal Judicial Center
The Federal Judical Center is the education and re search agency of the federal courts. Acess to, U.S. Sentencing Commission;
Federal Judiciary, General Information, etc.
U.S. Supreme Court
Supreme Court, Dockets, Oral Arguments,Case Handling Gudielines, Opinions, Public Information, etc.
State/Local Governments
State & Local Government Information
Access to ALL State & Local Government; National Conference of State Legislatures; National Association of Counties; Natioanl
City Government Resource Link, State Libraries, Governor's Office Local cities, etc
USPS CIty, State ZIP Codes
Find a list of cities that are in a ZIP Code. Search by Address, City or Company.