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"Character, Honor, Integrity and Sacrifice is the core of Traditional Indian Warriors and Leadership. There is no substitute."
Marty, Northern Ontario Ojibwe

AIM Riverside Leadership

Leadership is:

* Your Strength Comes From Our People.

* A good Leader listens to the People and stays Humble.

* Stand by your words for we are judged by them.

* Ego and Greed has no place in Indian Country nor AIM.

* Leadership is a gift from the people... use it wisely.

* We are Spiritual Warriors & Ambassadors of our people.

* The true test of a Great Warrior is the Sacrifice & Love for the People.

*Put the People before yourself and you will always be first.

What is a Warrior.... (tag here)

Our Team:

Our professional executive staff is a positive advocacy "think tank" of dedicated proactive Native American leaders who volunteer their time, money and resources for the betterment of all Indian people. Our goal is to create strategies to find solutions to continuing problems in Indian Country. We encourage our legions of volunteers to participate in positive activities for example; spiritual, traditional, community or activism. We encourage our members and supporters to work within the educational, political and legal institutions of America as needed. To more effectively utilize those institutions knowledge to empower our People with the tools to develop a better future.

Our staff and volunteers are encouraged to understand and participate in; project development, political and legal strategy and their governmental processes including Indian law, leadership development, developing sustainable economic development projects, Bureau of Indian Affairs policies and procedures, civil and criminal Jurisdiction policies, community involvement and outreach, educational opportunities, enhancing tribal sovereignty, and much more.

We work for the Greater Good of our People. We take pride in our motto "Indians Helping Indians"

Quotations To Think About Politics and Philosophy

Two Recent News Articles (tag to read)

"American Indian Movement Creates Riverside Chapter", 29 Dec 2005, North County Times

"American Indian Movement Moves Forward", 30 Dec 2005, Indian Country Today

"Titles are to give structure to an organization. It is not meant to confer power in the hands of a few."

A.I.M. Mission Statement

The American Indian Movement Riverside is a proactive advocacy and educational organization concerned with promoting the unity and security of Indian communities, families, and drug free youth programs. The organization is dedicated to representing the many interests and concerns of all Native American Indian people, particularly renewal of spirituality to empower Indian people with dignity regarding political, social and legal issues, including cultural traditions and inherent sovereign rights.

Make A Donation Supporting Our Positive Community Work in Indian Country.


A.I.M. Riverside Chapter

P.O. Box 135

Mountain Center, California 92561


AIM DISCLAIMER: The American Indian Movement its Chapters and Support Groups do not support, nor condone Violence or acts of Malicious behavior. Such behavior by individuals acting on their own, do not represent AIM. AIM is a spiritual movement of committed individuals who walk the red path of tolerance, peace and respecting all life as sacred.

Any questions or comments regarding actions, events, etc., involving or regarding participation of ANY American Indian Movement Group or Individual, please contact us at aim@aimriverside.org

Site Established Dec 2005

COMMENTS & QUESTIONS (Tag Here) Web Site Designed by Marty Fire Rider