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Suggested Reading

American Indian Books
Seekers of the Truth


"Knowledge & Wisdom Can Be Applied To Over Come The Abuse Of Power"

Suggested Reading

"Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee"
By Dee Brown
(Excellent book about the Indian holocaust)

"In the Spirit of Crazy Horse"
by Peter Mathiessen

"Indian Givers"
by Jack Weatherford

"Custer Died For Your Sins"
by Vine Deloria

by Ken Stern

"Voices From Wounded Knee 1973"
By Akwesasne Notes

"The Mishomis Book: The Voice of the Objibway"
by Edward Benton-Banai

"The Book of Elders"
as told by Sandy Johnson

"One Nation Under Gun"
by Hornung

"Shooting Back From the Reservation:
A Photographic View of Life by Native American Youth"
Selected by Jim Hubbard

"Lame Deer Seeker of Vision"
by John Lame Deer and Richard Erodes

"Fools Crow"
(biography) by Richard Erodes

"Indian Running"
by Peter Nabokov

"Keepers of the Earth: Native American Stories & Environmental Activities for Children"
by Michael J. Caduto and Joseph Bruchac

"Dream Catcher"
by Audrey Osofsky (children's book)

"Native America: Portrait of the Peoples"
By Duane Champagne

"Book of the Hopi"
by Frank Waters

"Lakota Woman"
by Mary Brave Bird and Richard Erodes

"Night Flying Woman"
by Ignatia Broker

"Ojibwe Heritage"
By Basil Johnston

"God Is Red"
by Vine Deloria
(Excellent Book)

"Red Earth, White Lies"
by Vine Deloria

"American Indian Law"
by William C. Canby

"Tribal Cultural Resource Management"
The Full Circle of Stewardship
by Darby C. Stapp & Michael S. Burney

"Atlas of The North American Indian"
by Carl Waldman

"Indian Tribes as Sovereign Governments"
by American Indian Lawyer Training Program
Source book on Federal-Tribal History, Law, Policy

"Native American Voices"
Susan Lobo, steve Talbot

"Native California Guide"
Weaving the Past & Present
by Dolan H. Eargle, Jr.

"Battlefields & Burian Grounds"
by Roger C. & Walter E. Echo-Hawk

"Native Time"
Historical Time Line of Native America
by Lee Francis

"Code of Federal Regulations, Titled 24 Indians"
Revised as of April 1, 2004
stock Number 869-052-00078-7
Order: http://bookstore.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/waisgate.cgi?WAISdocID

"In The Absence of The Sacred"
THe Failure of Technology & the
Survival of the Indian nations
By Jerry Mander

"The Manitous"
The Spiritual WOrld of the Ojibway
By John Basil

A.I.M. Mission Statement

The American Indian Movement Riverside is a proactive advocacy and educational organization concerned with promoting the unity and security of Indian communities, families, and drug free youth programs. The organization is dedicated to representing the many interests and concerns of all Native American Indian people, particularly renewal of spirituality to empower Indian people with dignity regarding political, social and legal issues, including cultural traditions and inherent sovereign rights.

Make A Donation Supporting Our Positive Community Work in Indian Country.


A.I.M. Riverside Chapter

P.O. Box 135

Mountain Center, California 92561


AIM DISCLAIMER: The American Indian Movement its Chapters and Support Groups do not support, nor condone Violence or acts of Malicious behavior. Such behavior by individuals acting on their own, do not represent AIM. AIM is a spiritual movement of committed individuals who walk the red path of tolerance, peace and respecting all life as sacred.

Any questions or comments regarding actions, events, etc., involving or regarding participation of ANY American Indian Movement Group or Individual, please contact us at aim@aimriverside.org

Site Established Dec 2005

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